Thursday, June 25, 2009

Will YOU Be the One to Take a Stand?

In order for our relationships to work we must nurture them, there must be growth, change and mutual respect. We seem to see our relationships only as far as human interaction. Some of us include our pets. But our relationships go beyond this. We also have a relationship with our environment. And our environment requires the same things as our personal relationships, in order to remain healthy and safe for all us.

As we all know, our world is going through much turmoil. We can't afford to sit back and watch as we twiddle our thumbs and hope things get better on there own, or that some hero comes to fix it all for us. We may have seen it as our 'option' to take a stand before, but those days are long gone. We don't have the time to waste any longer. It's time to take a stand and roll up our sleeves up. There is work to be done. We have the power to change our country and it is our duty.

Congress is about to vote on the American Clean Energy and Security Act. This is the BIGGEST Global warming bill congress will ever vote on. SO EVERYONE, PLEASE,DO YOUR PART! Take a stand. It will take less than 3 minutes of your day to make a difference in your lives, your children's lives and everyone around you.

Will you please join me in signing this petition to urge congress to make a change and tell them there are better ways? To tell them to get rid of the old and bring in the new? Because doing what hasn't worked again and again is not going to give us different results. Didn't someone say that doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results is the sheer definition of insanity? Well, we are not an insane nation. And we want a CHANGE!!

Please watch this very short video by Amy Smart and then sign the petition at

Here again, is the link to sign the petition:

Now there is only one more thing I ask of you. If you can, will you please post this link and info to your facebook, Twitter, Friendfeed, Blogs, etc? Wherever you deem it possible would be great! We have to make a difference and we need to see change. But we won't get that without everyone standing. The way to do that is to pass this around. (If you don't want to blog about it, you can simply copy and paste this entry in my blog to your own blog. I don't mind, as long as it gets out.)

CONGRATULATIONS my friend, for taking stand!


Smokestacks from a wartime production plant, W...Image via Wikipedia

Helios UAV in solar powered flightImage via Wikipedia

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Why Do We Need Health Care Reform? Here Is Your Answer

Health insurance companies make me queasy to my stomach. Their sneakiness. They way they try to bypass the laws and find ways not to help people under such distress. We won't pay this, we won't do that. We won't help you here, we won't help you there.

Look at these men in this video. Even the government is disgusted with them. They will not budge in their ways no matter who they hurt or how much wrong they are doing.

Something MUST BE DONE!

Monday, June 22, 2009

What? Govt. Passing Acts to Protect Us From Smoking?

Unlit filtered cigarettesImage via Wikipedia

Today president Obama signed 'The Family Smoking Prevention and Tabacco Control Act. Now the FDA's regulation of tobacco is now a reality!

It's important to not only ask for what we need from our government, but also to thank them for their hard work and dedication to our people and our causes. We may not always be in accordance with their actions, or in some cases even with their lack of actions, but when credit is due it must be given.

Will you please take a moment of your time today to thank the President and Members of Congress who made this historic public health victory possible?

The thank you letter has already been written out for you and there is nothing left to do other than click on the link below and add your name in thanks.

If you are interested in reading the letter that has been prewritten for you, please read below:

Here is a copy of you what you will be sending:

Dear Legislator:

Thank you for voting YEA on final passage of the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act! As your constituent and an American Heart Association You're the Cure advocate, I'm delighted you joined many of your colleagues to ultimately pass this life-saving legislation.

By finally enabling the Food and Drug Administration to regulate tobacco products and marketing, this bill will help tackle the increased risk of heart disease and stroke that millions of Americans face as a result of tobacco addiction.

Over 400,000 Americans lose their lives every year because of diseases caused by tobacco use. Of these, 150,000 die from cardiovascular diseases alone. Tobacco regulation is long overdue, and I applaud Congress for passing this bill.

This legislation is a Prescription for a Healthy Heart that will save countless lives. It will prohibit the marketing of tobacco to children, ban candy-flavored cigarettes, and impose restrictions on advertising aimed at kids. It will require the tobacco industry to disclose the dangerous cocktails of chemicals they add to cigarettes to make them more addictive, and give the FDA the authority to regulate these manufacturing practices.

This is a historic moment in our country, and I thank you for voting in support of America's health.


Adriana Contreras
(Your Name Here)

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