Monday, September 6, 2010

Champaign brings images of bubbles, good times, laughter, and grand celebration.  But did you know, that champaign industry emits 200,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide every year during transport? 

Ugh.  What a downer right?  All these happy thoughts that champaign brings to the forefront of our minds and then this news.

But as usual, the good ol' bubbly is finding a way to make us smile again.  It turns out, it's goal is to reduce it's carbon %25 of it's carbon footprint by 2020, and %75 by 2050.

They are already on their endeavor, as they have already come accross a way to make the bottles more slender while still being able to handle the pressure They  must hold.

Currently, quite a few champaign companies have switched over to the new vessel.  Within a years time, most will most likely have switched over to the more slender and eco friendly bottles.

Has the new vessel made a diffference so far?  It sure has!  By 7%!!  Way to go to all those champaign producers out there.  We look forwad to the difference you'll be making!


Via NY Times and Inhabitat

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I don't know about you, but I am so excited about plastic bags being banned in California!  Congrats to those Californians that are standing by this new law.  It was long over due.  Not for only for them, but for the rest of us as well.  I hope many more states follow in the banning of plastic bags, and that one day all 50 states will have them banned. 

Inhabitat posted these pictures. I love them!  Great job to all those people from Cali that are inspired to share with us through their photography and themes, what this means to them and what it means for us!  Thank you!!

Enhanced by Zemanta

Saturday, August 7, 2010


Today, on Re-Nest, I was left with a smile on my face.  I am just fascinated at the thought of more and more people going green.  Of them becoming aware and educating themselves on the marvelous world of caring for our planet!

Growing our own food is so important.  This person who is growing their own food, is not only aware of the importance of growing their our own food, but they are quite creative as well. Look at the beauty of this truck loaded with garden greens?  I absolutely LOVE IT!