Friday, August 24, 2007

What is "Biofuel?" How Many Kinds Are There?


All this talk about the environment and all these new terms to learn can make your head spin. One of the terms we often hear is "biofuel." But what is it? Are they all the same? The answer is no. Read this short but to the point explanation from the Sierra Club:

Biofuels can be made from nearly any organic material, but corn, which is the source of 95 percent of U.S. ethanol, would reduce global warming emissions only about 15 percent on average compared to gasoline. Cellulosic ethanol, made from switchgrass, slash, and agricultural byproducts, could cut emissions by more than 90 percent. But it's not commercially available. And then there's sugarcane ethanol, which is booming in Brazil, soybean biodiesel, and cooking grease biodiesel, even biodiesel made from algae -- all with their various pros and cons.

Want help separating the wheat from the chaff? Check out "Bio-hope, Bio-hype" in the most recent issue of Sierra, complete with a useful chart comparing six different biofuels.

Hope this was helpful!