Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Take Action to Support Transportation Solutions

You can earn "transformation points" for your state while helping decrease your pollution and carbon emissions by taking our Transportation Solutions and Personal Action Pledges, and telling your friends.

1. Enhance public health, safety and quality of life
2. Provide better and more equitable mobility and access
3. Minimize global warming pollution emissions
4. Enhance economic competitiveness and efficiency
5. Make changes in your daily life – 2 points each

I pledge to take action and support innovative transportation solutions that help reduce traffic congestion, cut pollution and protect public health. Check as many as you can!

1. Consider the best way to take fewer trips and avoid rush hour when planning errands

2. Share car trips/carpool with neighbors or co-workers

3. Walk or bike for short trips and take public transit whenever possible

4. Choose the most fuel-efficient vehicle that meets your travel needs

5. Encourage your employer to become a Best Workplace for Commuters

6. Teach a child to ride a bike and/or take a child for a walk

7. Get involved with or help initiate a local bicycle or transit advocacy group

8. Reduce the number of cars in your household and/or pledge to cut the average annual number of miles your household drives by 25%

9. Contact elected officials at the local, state and national levels to support smart transportation and land use planning

10. Give priority to your commuting options when choosing where to live
Make a gift to support Environmental Defense's work